"we just wanna make the world daaance!" Jessie J LIVE in Manila

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

I went to Jessie J's concert at the SMART Araneta Colliseum last July 14 and it was a blast! I did not expect that she would throw up a disco-kind of concert!! :) Her first set would definitely make you stand up even if you're not at the patron to dance near the stage.Haha. I only know the songs that she released but after the concert, I had a lot of new favorites from her. I currently like "Sexy Lady" and "Calling All Hearts" which are part of the first set. Plus,I also started to like "Who You Are" because of the meaningful lyrics of it(I did not even know that it's her song!Haha!).I adore the chorus so much ❤️ it goes: "Don't lose who you are in a blur of the stars.seeing is deceiving,dreaming is believing,it's okay not to be okay.Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.But tears won't mean you're losing,everybody's bruising,just be true to who you are" ;") I wished I could have taken a video of that performance.However, I have a few clips from the concert (pardon me for the poor and shaky quality).Some of the videos also were taken through my phone so it was really blurry;but I just really have to upload it.

My inaugural NLE speech.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

June 27,2014.I passed the NLE board!! :""")
I really didn't expect this to happen after all my lapses during the exam days.Believe me, my NLE experience was not ordinary at all.It was time pressure and my clumsiness that led me into nervous breakdowns every end of the exam.It pulled me down to be hopeless--though i chose NOT TO.I say to myself that I need to stay positive no matter what,I believe that I did my best and really think of the answers and lastly,I don't think that it's just me who have lapses.Sabi nga sa min nung review,"kami ngang mga lecturer na nagka-discrepancy sa exam sheet,pumasa pa din eh."Indeed,anyone can pass with confidence and trust.
As a board-passer,I'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone extensively aside from the status I made on Facebook.Haha I was in utter joy and surprise while I posted that :)) So anyway..

my temporary laid-back situation

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

It's been 3 weeks of laid back lifestyle and so far, I'm enjoying it. :) The first few days of it was kind of surreal adjusting thyself from being a busy person.To me,it wasn't boring after all; I often go out with my family and friends and even if I stay home at most times,I fill myself in with activities that can divert from boredom.Namely,these are actually things that I did not have the time for when I was busy in the academics.lol.Here's a few to share:

ain't a "back-to-school" season no more!

Monday, June 16, 2014

I'm back! :) This is the first June that I'm no longer dreading it as a 'back-to-school' month anymore!hahaha.I find it surreal though I remember back in the days,I used to rush over to my classes and wait for it to end.And now here I am,job-seeking and having my anxiety temperature risen for the results.I bet every board-taker feels this way but indeed,you need to relax,unwind and have a positive mind about it.Have faith and pray fervently!.I have been spending the time with my family and friends lately and it was awesome. :) Yet when I get bummed at home,I just read a book or watch some shows.Perhaps I could share on my next entry about my temporary laid-back situation. ;)

So anyway,last Thursday(060514),me and my friend had a hang-out at Shangri-la Mall and watched "The Fault In Our Stars".I read this John Green book last January and this was like the second book that made me cry.Seeing it on the big screen now is more touching than ever (especially the last part)!❤️ It's awesome on how they depict the roles from the book.The plot was unique as well--not the ordinary love story,I should say but it's not because the characters are terminally-ill.Imagine a loved one who already prepared a eulogy before he died?Or a loved one who would help you to go to Amsterdam just to meet your favorite author?That's true genuine love!!Hahaha :) Likewise,it has the right type of 'cheesy' in a romance film.You guys should watch it if you haven't yet!(and prepare some tissues 'cause it certainly is a tear-jerker.Haha!) Do read the book as well for at the end,you might catch yourself quoting a lot of good sayings to it.Lets say,"I always thought that the world is a wish-granting factory"?❤️
We had dinner at Johnny Rockets..

Rocket Singles with unlimited fries!

Then we went to Serenitea in which we admire its interior with its 'bird-cage' chairs.Pretty much,you can consider it as a good place to chill.

aaannddd that's about it for now!I was supposed to post this last week but unfortunately,I'm not having a stable internet at home ;| However,I'll manage to post my entries as soon as possible!
'til then! ;)

will be back SOON.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

ASAP indeed! Ughh I hate it that I wasn't able to make more entries lately.I thought I could make it up last time but unfortunately,I couldn't because of busyness(board review).But hopefully,this will get paid out very soon.Having said that, I've been pressured and nervous all rolled into one. ;0 Oh anyway,here's a quick throwback of our Magic grad party at Hyve last March 28...

It was fun partying with the Magic Dj's then! :) It was also Andi Manzano's birthday that time so yep,it's a double celebration.I hope it will happen again next time. Haha.That whole time was one heck of a YOLO-night! ;D

'til then!I hope to blog again reaaaal soon ;)