Random Musings

Friday, February 17, 2017

I wasn't telling about my activities lately apart from catching up on my travel posts.Generally I have been juggling over work and review all along. It was very difficult dealing with shifting schedules and going to review classes on most of my days off.I even have to cancel (again) my itenerary to the US this month! ;( So yeah, I'm bundled with my career priorities and hopefully ,it all ends soon! Anyhow I'm not really that workaholic since I still get to find time for leisure from online-shopping to movie marathons.I'm currently stoked on Lala Land and Fifty Shades Darker!And yeahp,I'll discuss that further later :)
A few weeks ago, I ordered a leather brown case for my Instax camera from @dealsonline.I bought it for P740 and it comes with a bunch of film stickers and a mini album.I was supposed to buy a film to them also but it was kinda expensive..though the films are very rare.You guys may want to check their online store for your Instax essentials. :) They also have their own app on Google Play for an easy-access to the store.

Here's a haul of my polaroid shots :)
Moving on with the movies, I have watched 2 big movies consecutively and the fangirl in me has risen again.Haha!Call me a bandwagon for watching "La la Land " 'cause it's a Golden Globe win.I became a fan of Emma Stone since then.She's so gorgeous that she and Ryan Gosling made a great pair on the film. I actually adore musical films like this that's why I really don't mind about the load of sing-and-dance scenes.My fav part was the moment when they were dancing on the mountain.The whole film's almost a 10/10 for me but the ending disappointed me (so I gave it an 8 instead). Yes, they didn't go on a happily ever after but the views can be split into 2 which can either be bittersweet or upsetting.It may be sad for Ryan to see her with another man after 5yrs of separation but on the other hand, it may be good seeing both of them successful to reach their dreams. Though in my opinion, it could've gone better if they were together. ;| As for FSD, I believe that my expectations were partially met! Well, it's good to see my Ana & Christian on the big screen again--and to see my favorite part of the series came in action was awesome.It's much better than the first since this was more captured from the book even most of the lines are taken there.Say,"I'm gonna be the boss' boss' boss?" But there are several twists from the movie which gives way to the final book,FSF.Hence,I can't wait for the final sequel next year! ❤️
These are just some of the activities that I've been going up for the past weeks. Sometimes I do take these as a way of distracting myself to move on from a past.'Cause yeah,even when that guy is a thousand miles away,my heart is still shattered from what he had done.But anyway,chickens will come to roost!
'til then!